Zoom zoom πŸš–

October 18, 2021


It’s been another good week! Looking back, I’m surprised how quickly it went by since we are still unable to meet with people in person, but it just goes to show that the Lord will always provide ways to keep His work moving forward!
We have had quite a few lessons over Zoom this week which is something I haven’t really experienced a whole lot on my mission. Of course, I spent 6 weeks in zoom classes for 6+ hours every day while I was learning French and how to be a missionary, but since then I have mostly done lessons in person or over the phone. I can say from past experience and once again from this week, though, that the Spirit works just the same through technology as it does in person! We’ve gotten to meet with lots of members of the ward (which is the name for our local congregation) and also with a lady who lives two hours away named Elizabeth and it’s been great! Elizabeth is super awesome. She lives on a reservation, and her life is pretty crazy - but she has strong faith in God and a sincere desire to change and improve her life. We had a wonderful lesson with her this week about the peace and strength that come from Christ and the incredible gift that He has given us through His sacrifice: repentance. We got to read some of my favorite scriptures with her, Mosiah 24:13-16 and Alma 36:17-20, and, as we testified of Christ and the opportunity that we have to repent and change thanks to his sacrifice, the Spirit was so strong! I’m super excited to keep helping Elizabeth on her journey as she comes closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.
We’ve had lots of zoom lessons with members this past week, and Elder Eich and I even got to brush off our Spanish while having a lesson with the Lozada family who recently moved here from Mexico! As I mentioned in previous letters, they are among a large group of latino families coming to Moncton to study, and we are hoping to work with them and other members to set up an English class which is super exciting! It was another powerful reminder that I am here for a reason. In addition to Spanish, it seems that the Lord is answering my prayers to help me learn French by giving me quite a few opportunities this week to speak it! I’ll be honest, understanding French over the phone is a struggle. The good news is that I can feel my progress with French accelerating and I am excited to see how I can continue to progress! 
Even with the restrictions we are still able to meet with the members of our ward at church, and it was so wonderful to worship with all of them in person. What made this week really special is that we had a less active member named Melissa come to church with her twin 6 year old boys, Hayden and Xavier, and her nonmember partner, Nick, and I was blown away by how well the members of our ward made them feel welcome and showed them genuine love! Melissa hasn’t been to church since she moved to Moncton from Fredericton (another city in New Brunswick) three years ago, but her sons have started asking questions about religion and God and she felt like it was time to go back. Xavier and Hayden are so cute and I am so excited to meet with all of them after the restrictions are lifted this Friday. 
Something I neglected to mention earlier is that this week we had a mission tour, and it was a really wonderful experience! Thankfully we were still able to travel to Halifax in Nova Scotia for zone conference, and we had zoom meetings every morning throughout the week. My biggest take away from the mission tour is just how important it is to have the Spirit with us at all times, and to be willing to act on the inspired thought and impressions that it will give us. As I have studied the Gospel intently this past year my appreciation for the Spirit has grown exponentially. I know that He truly is our comforter, and that we can rely on Him in moments of need to guide us in what to say and in what to do to help those we love! As we strive to have the Spirit as our constant companion, He will refine us and allow us to feel greater joy than ever before in our lives, even when the circumstances of our lives are less than ideal. I have learned that I should never neglect to ask for the Spirit to be with me when I pray, and I’d invite you all to do the same!
Love you all,
Elder Jackson 


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