What's in the Box?

July 12, 2021

It’s been another good (and extremely hot) week here in Merced! But don’t worry, I’ve made sure to drink lots of water! 

I'm afraid I don't have a ton of time to write, so I want to share a cool experience I had while biking around this week. On Saturday, Elder Priestley and I ended up biking around 11 miles in something like 108 degree weather. Maybe not the brightest idea, but hey we had two good lessons and if we hadn't then I wouldn't have this experience to share! As Elder Priestley and I were biking down the street on our way home for dinner, a man in a truck yelled at us from the middle of the street asking if we wanted water. Elder Priestley stopped so fast I nearly ran into him haha Seeing as it was ridiculously hot and I was fresh out of water we said sure! We were right next to a Jack n the Box so he asked us if we wanted food and he walked right in and had us both order food. His name was Jose and it turns out that he is a less active member of our church that lives in Modesto, which is about 45 minutes north of Merced. He told us that he hasn't been back to church since Covid but he's planning on going back soon; we reached out to the Elders in his ward so hopefully they are able to help him come back and receive all of the blessings that come from participating in the church! What made it even more amazing is that right after we finished eating our meal a member called us asking for help lifting a couch onto the roof of their car right then and because we hadn't gone back to our apartment for dinner we were in the perfect position to help!  It was a really amazing experience that shows once again that God is mindful of each of his children and that He really is guiding this great work.

I know that God is aware of each of us and the details of our lives, and that He will help us if we turn to Him. I've talked a lot about the Spirit lately in my letters and it's probably because one of my biggest focuses right now is learning how to recognize and follow the promptings of the Spirit so I can be a more effective instrument in the Lord's hands to share the Gospel and bless the lives of his children. The Spirit speaks to everyone in a way that is personal and unique to them, and it takes patience and effort to learn to recognize it, but I know that it is possible and that it's something He wants us to do! I've had lots of experiences on my mission where I've been either consciously or unconsciously led to the right place at the right time, and I know that it's something that we can all experience if we learn how to hear Him! Sorry that this letter is so short, I hope you are all doing well and that you will join me in trying to learn how to recognize and follow the whisperings of the Holy Ghost! 

Love you all, 

Elder Jackson


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