A tantôt!

September 13, 2021

Bonjour mes amis! 
Wow, I can't believe this *knock on wood* will be my final email from the States! It still really hasn't sunk in that I'm going to be leaving for Canada this week… I feel such a strange mixture of emotions, mostly nervousness, excitement, and also sadness to say goodbye to all of the wonderful friends, members, leaders and missionaries I've met here in the CFM. There is not a doubt in my mind that this is where I was supposed to be, but I also know that I'm supposed to take this next step. Merced and the rest of the Central Valley will always have a special place in my heart. I've met so many amazing people and had many truly unforgettable experiences here. 
This week has once again been a blur, especially since we had a mission tour! It is always a huge blessing to get to hear from a general authority and this time was no different! There was a lot to take in, but Elder Cordón, the second counselor in our area presidency, and his wife, Sister Cordón, placed a big focus on developing Christ-like attributes which is a subject that I have truly come to love during my time as a missionary. Even after all of my studies and efforts to develop various attributes, the mission tour was a great reminder that I can always be more dedicated in my discipleship and my efforts to become like my Savior. Something that Elder Prince and I have learned is that you can make a list of Christ-like attributes, but you can't make a check list. We can always keep improving, and that's a good thing! Elder Cordón taught that repenting each day by trying to be better and develop His attributes is the best way to come to know the Lord of Vineyard, and I know that to be true with all my heart! 
Another really powerful truth that President Gillespie shared that really struck home for me was the difference between joy and fun. Before coming on my mission I'll admit that, like most teenagers, I spent much more of my free time pursuing fun than joy, but now I know that everything that brings true joy and satisfaction takes hard work and consistent effort. It's important to remember that there should still be room in our lives for fun, but we will be much happier if we focus our lives on the things that bring true joy - and the greatest source of joy is, of course, our Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel! 
I've had a few really unique opportunities to help interview some members for videos and this week I got to do it again and it was an amazing experience! The couple we interviewed have both previously lost spouses, and when they bore their testimonies of the hope and direction that the Gospel has brought into their lives the Spirit was so strong! I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is the only path that will bring us true joy in this life and eternal life in the world to come, and I am so grateful I get to share that truth with others every day! 
Love you all, 
Elder Jackson


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