An Exchange for the Ages

April 12, 2021

Rebonjour tout le monde!

I hope you’re all doing well! Looking back, that past week was kind of a blur, but, at this point, that's to be expected so I'll get started! 

This week we had exchanges with our zone leaders, and it was a ton of fun! Living this far away from the rest of our zone, it's always a welcome treat to see other missionaries, and it was especially fun because one of our zone leaders is Elder Samuel Murdock - aka Sancho, my TA from Spanish 2! Yup, we were both in the same Spanish class at Lone Peak! Just to add to the mind blowing nature of this exchange, it turns out that Elder Murdock's ancestor, John Murdock, was companions with my fourth great-grandfather, Hyrum Smith, and that together they baptized William Allred - Elder Allred's fourth great-grandfather! I bet they were all laughing in Spirit Paradise watching all of us together. 

There is a super sweet, older lady in our ward named Sister Minkler who we meet with every week. Our meeting with her this week was especially fun because she made us homemade ice cream, and it was honestly incredible! Apparently, Sister Minkler loves cruises (she's been on 14 of them!), and she told us the harrowing story of how she purchased a real Columbian emerald ring during an excursion there. Afterwards, we listened to President Nelson's talk about faith from this past conference and had a good discussion about following the five steps he lists: 

1. Study 

2. Choose to believe in Christ 

3. Act in faith 

4. Participate in sacred ordinances and 

5. Ask God for help

I'm taking the time to list them all specifically because I think it is so important that we take the time to ponder on the inspired guidance we have received from our prophet and to apply his teachings into our own lives. I would encourage all of you to listen to President Nelson's talk, "Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains," if you haven't yet or even to listen to it again if you already have! 

This Sunday we had a really special experience as  we were able to help our friend and recent convert, Brother Guy "Radar" Raynor, bless the sacrament for the first time ever! One of my favorite talks from this past conference was President Eyring's talk from the Priesthood session, "Bless in His Name," and it was so humbling to watch Brother Raynor exercise his priesthood to serve his wife and mother-in-law and truly bless others in His name. As a side note, Brother Raynor got the nickname Radar while serving in the Air Force, and has shared lots of humorous stories about his time in the service. 

We’ve had lots of opportunities to talk about Conference with members in our ward recently, and I’ve been grateful for the chance to reflect more deeply on the most recent inspired guidance we’ve received. Watching the 2020 October General Conference as a newly set apart missionary showed me just how great an experience General Conference can be, and I have been eagerly awaiting the most recent Conference. I’m happy to say that it did not disappoint! There were so many powerful talks, and the Spirit that was present in each session was palpable. My testimony of our living prophet and apostles was reaffirmed, and I felt the Spirit testify of some things that I must do if I want to continue becoming a more converted disciple of Jesus Christ. Looking back, though, I’m amazed by just how quickly General Conference passed. It can be all too easy to forget the promptings and impressions I felt as I listened to it, and that is why I am definitely going to make a concerted effort over the coming weeks and months to study and ponder this Conference and act on the guidance I’ve been given, and I would invite all of you to do the same! 

Love you all, 

Elder Jackson

Sister Minkler's Homemade Ice Cream

Exchange with the Zone Leaders

Exchange Polaroid

French Study with Sticky Notes

The NANI (normal and natural interaction) King


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