How the Tables Turn

January 25, 2021

Hey guys! 

Just a quick note before the rest of the letter: as you've probably noticed, since I left for the mission field, my mom has just been forwarding the letters instead of me sending it out myself. That's because the software the church puts on our phones makes Gmail pretty glitchy, so it's just simpler to do it that way. I know some people haven't been getting my emails, so if you know someone who is having trouble please let me or my mom know and we'll do our best to fix it. My email is so hit me up if you stop getting these or if you just want to say hi! 

Sorry for the lack of a letter last week! It was a busy p-day with Elder Forsberg leaving, but more about that later. Suffice it to say that a lot of stuff happened and things have not gone as expected recently - but that's okay! 

Good news! I don't have Covid! All four of the Elders in our apartment went to get tested, and we all came back negative. I guess the common cold does still exist after all. We ended getting the nasal test, and, man, that was a trip. So much pain brought about by such a small and simple thing. Ah just kidding, it wasn't too bad - but for some reason the test made me have super bad allergies for like half an hour afterwards. I got a pretty funny picture out of it, though, so it's all worth it. 

We actually didn't end up having Ida's baptism on Saturday, but when we met with her and the bishop and decided to move the date back we all felt the Spirit confirm that it was the right thing to do. I know that everything happens according to the Lord's timing, and Ida is still very excited to be baptized so it's not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. 

We've been in quarantine this week but it honestly hasn't been that too bad. We can't meet with anyone in person but we're still allowed (actually encouraged) to get out of the house and walk to parks and stuff as long as we social distance and wear masks. 

Elder Rasband and his wife gave an excellent missionary devotional two weeks ago that I would highly recommend listening to if you can! They said a lot of great stuff but the thing that really stuck out to me was a story that Elder Rasband shared about an experience Wilford Woodruff had on his mission where he ended up stranded alone in a swamp after an issue with his knee made it impossible to walk. Rather than losing hope, President Woodruff said a prayer asking for help, and, as you might expect, he was miraculously healed and he "went on his way rejoicing." 

What I really liked when Elder Rasband contrasted President Woodruff's response with the Young Master's in the New Testament. They were both faithful people who faced a seemingly daunting challenge, but they reacted in entirely different ways: President Woodruff left rejoicing while the Young Master left sorrowing. If we truly want to be happy in this life, we have to learn how to always be of good cheer no matter what. I think the greatest blessing I've experienced so far on my mission is a greater capacity to be positive, and I know that God can and will give anyone who sincerely asks that same blessing. Attitude determines altitude!

Love you all, 
Elder Jackson


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