Covid Scares and Zone Conference

April 25, 2022


This was another really unique but good week! Unfortunately Elder Van Orman and I both had sore throats at the start of the week, and when we called the medical coordinator to get his advice he told us that the protocol is to assume that it’s covid and to stay inside for 5 days… So we ended up spending pretty much all day inside from Tuesday to Thursday, and while it wasn’t ideal I thankfully still found plenty to do and we saw some big blessings from all of our online work! After doubling down on messaging for a few days we were able to have a video call with our new friend Caleb and he seems really awesome! He’s met with other missionaries in the past, and I’ve been messaging him online for a few weeks now and when he said that he was also sick inside I felt prompted to go for it and ask if he wanted to do a study together and he said yes! When I asked him if there was a specific subject he wanted to study about, he surprised me by saying that he wanted to talk about the history of our church! Elder Van Orman and I taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how our church began and it went really well! We dropped off a Book of Mormon to him yesterday, and I am really excited to see how things progress with him.
Thankfully after Elder Van Orman and I both tested negative for Covid with rapid tests on Wednesday and Friday morning we were able to leave quarantine a day early to participate in our zone conference with all of the other missionaries in the Quebec city area. We focused a lot on the Spirit this time around and we continued with our recent focus of talking to everyone, and it was not only a wonderful spiritual experience but also a great boost of confidence to continue to act in faith by seeking the Spirit and personal revelation as I leave behind my comfort zone and give my all to the Lord. Throughout my mission I have gained an undeniable testimony that the power of the Spirit is real and palpable. It is so crucial to Heavenly Father’s plan for His children, and I know that the most important thing we can do in missionary work and life if we want to bring our lives in harmony with God is to seek and maintain the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  
We also got to have a really fun activity Saturday morning with the members of our Elders Quorum! I loved getting to be with so many of the incredible members here in Quebec, and above all getting to reach out to and love the son of a really faithful member who is currently less-active in the church.
Church this week was also really special since it was one of those times where what the speaker has to say and the music that is sung was exactly what I needed to hear, and it was another example of a tender mercy to show that Heavenly Father really is aware of me and my needs and how I’m feeling.
The last thing I’ll mention for this week is our friend Geroge. He is seriously so awesome! We were able to have a video call with him while we were stuck inside where we explained more about the Restoration, and we met with him again on Saturday to work on his homework together and finished the rest of our discussion. He is so kind and honestly incredibly intelligent, and I love getting to be in his home. It’s really cool to be completely immersed in French for hours at a time, and his kids are seriously the cutest haha. The best part is that George seems seriously interested in learning more about the restored Gospel and reading the Book of Mormon. Please keep him and his family in your prayers!
Love you all,
Elder Jackson


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