Conference Completed

April 4, 2022

Bonjour bonjour!
It’s been quite an eventful week! I don’t know why it took so long, but it seems like Quebec finally decided in the last day or two that it is officially springtime so that’s pretty great. We still have a decent amount of snow, but I think by Easter the world might be completely reborn, which is pretty fitting timing if you ask me.
To start things off I’ll probably just give a quick update about our friend Orane! He has been doing real well with not smoking this past week, and he has actually been staying with the member family who befriended him which is just absolutely incredible to me. He still has a lot of enthusiasm for his baptism so now our job is to help him know everything he needs to know in order to make an informed decision. It’s been a real Also, It I think I mentioned it in the past, but Orane is pretty much stupidly talented. He cooks, he makes music, he does flips, and above all he is quite the artist. During one of our last lessons with him, Orane surprised me at the end with a painting that he had made for me! It was really touching, and I have to say that it has been a really amazing experience to meet Orane and to connect with him. I’ll make sure to include a photo of his painting! 
We have some other friends/ members that are also doing pretty good, but unfortunately I don’t really have time to go into the details. Just know that work has really picked up the last few weeks which is really great!
I’ll say a little bit about district council from this week since it was as per usual a good time, but this week was the first of the transfer so we had quite a few new faces! Our district is now us, two sets of Sisters, the Hermanas, and a senior couple so it has been a real party. 
Of course, the biggest event from this week was General Conference! I have absolutely loved getting to watch conference as a missionary, and it’s crazy to think that was the last time I’ll get to do so. Conference has almost become a holiday to me know, and I hope that I can maintain this same enthusiasm to hear our living prophets for the rest of my life. I know that the leaders of our church are truly inspired men and women, and that unlike pretty much every other voice in the world today they have no other motive behind what they do besides their love for God and for their fellow men. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary, and I can’t wait to continue building spiritual momentum as I press on in this great week. I know that the joy and blessing of missionary work are available to everyone, and I hope you all will be able to experience those blessings on a regular basis as a part of your daily lives.
I love you all,
Elder Jackson


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