Happy Thanksgiving! πŸ¦ƒπŸπŸ—

October 11, 2021

Joyeux Action de GrΓ’ces!
So for those of you who don't know, today is actually Thanksgiving in Canada! If you find that strange, that's because it totally is! I think the weirdest part is that there are Halloween decorations all over the place haha At this point, I think it has officially sunk in that I am in a foreign country. Between drinking bagged milk and celebrating Thanksgiving before Halloween, Canada truly is full of surprises! 
Speaking of surprises, it turns out that due to rising Covid cases, New Brunswick is putting a two week "circuit breaker" into place in specific Covid hot-spots for two weeks and, unfortunately, Moncton is on the list. Thankfully, it's not a complete lock down, and somehow we are still allowed to travel to Nova Scotia tomorrow for a mission tour (basically a meeting with a lot of missionaries with the mission president and a visiting church leader) which I am super excited for! I have been in a two week lockdown once before on my mission and it was a good growing experience. Everything happens for a reason, and I know that if I act in faith then eventually that reason will become clear! 
The real highlights from this week were enjoying the beautiful fall weather here and continuing to build more relationships with the people here in Moncton. We were walking around a park trying to talk to people and I was really blown away by just how beautiful everything was, and then to make things even better while we were walking through the park we stumbled upon an M4 Sherman (a tank from WW2) and for those of you who know how much I love history you will recognize just how happy that made me! Even better than that experience (which was pretty amazing) was getting to meet with more of the members of our ward! My heart has truly been melted by their love, and it is a testament to the truthfulness of this church that there are faithful and loving members all over the world! 
One thing that I have really enjoyed doing this week has been reviewing more of the talks that were given during General Conference. I may have mentioned this in a previous letter, but I prepared some questions beforehand that I was looking for answers to, and as I have gone back I have been amazed to see how our inspired leaders and the Holy Ghost have answered each of them many times over. One of the greatest moments of this week was talking with someone who has been struggling for the past few years who was inspired to act because of the inspired words and the Spirit he felt while listening to conference. I felt so much love for him as I testified of the Atonement and saw his example of faith in spite of doubts and challenges. 
I'd encourage all of you, regardless of whether or not you've already watched them, to review the talks given and to look for some of the invitations they gave and then apply them to yourselves! One of my favorite invitations was from Elder Rasband's talk "The Things of My Soul" where he invited us all to come up with three things of our souls (basically the things that we think about that bring us joy), and I wanted to share my three with you and I hope you can do the same thing with your family and loved ones! 
1- The beauties of life 
2- The peace and stability of the Gospel
3- The blessing of my family 
Love you all, 
Elder Jackson


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