The House of Israel

August 2, 2021


It's been another good week in Merced! Somehow it feels like the week went by quickly but also like more time has passed than just a week, so I'm not sure how that works but hey it was a good week! 

Another transfer, another zone conference! I always look forward to zone conference and I'm happy to say that it did not disappoint! We had the unique opportunity to listen to a former 70 and his wife and they talked a lot of about the House of Israel, which is I topic that I have grown to love on my mission! It was a topic that really went over my head until President Nelson made such a big emphasis of it soon after becoming the prophet, and now I have come to recognize that it is fundamental to everything we do in our church! 

I realize now that the story of the House of Israel shows simply that God loves His children and that He wants to bless them, but He can only do so if they are obedient to His Gospel and are willing to let Him prevail in their lives - and the way that they can choose to do that is by entering into sacred covenants with Him. Our whole goal in the church and honestly on earth is to become the kind of people who are capable of making and keeping covenants because that is what is required of us to be able to return to God and live with Him and our families for all eternity. 

The original 12 tribes of Israel were God's Covenant people. They were a part of the covenants that God had made with their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but they rejected God's commandments and broke his commandments. With no other choice, God was forced to scatter them across the world in order to break the cycle of wickedness until they were once again ready to hear and accept His new and everlasting covenant. 

Now we are engaged in the great work of sharing that Gospel with every nation, kindred, and tongue so that all of God's children will have the opportunity to accept His Gospel and become members of His covenant people - in other words, members of the House of Israel - and God has given us an amazing tool to help us do just that: The Book of Mormon! That's the truly amazing part, God loves all of His children equally so He will give each and every one of them the opportunity to choose to join the House of Israel and He has prepared a tool that will allow them to make an informed decision! I don't think there is any other faith that truly understands the true significance of the gathering of Israel and what it entails, and it is yet another testament to me of the truthfulness of this church and of God's love for all of His children. The bottom line is that God always keeps His promises, He will never forget you! 

Well, I'm not sure if you expected a big lecture about the House of Israel when you opened this letter (and I honestly didn't expect to write one), but I hope you enjoyed it! I'd definitely encourage all of you to study President Nelson's talk Let God Prevail because that is one of the biggest things that has helped me come to love and appreciate the story of the House of Israel! Also, if you don't know anything about the history of the physical House of Israel, you should definitely spend some time in the Bible Dictionary or Guide to the Scriptures entries about it, I know that really taught me a lot as well! 

I am really enjoying being in Merced! We have such an amazing ward and some really incredible friends! I am especially grateful for our friend Thomas who is preparing to let God prevail by entering into the  waters of baptism on August 21st, and I would really appreciate it if you could all keep him in your prayers! With the recent news about Canada opening I'm not sure how much longer I will be here, but I know that whatever happens will be His will. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve full-time as a representative of Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, no matter where I am! 

Love you all, 

Elder Jackson


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