From Reno with Love

August 23, 2021

Hé tout le monde!

Happy Monday! I won't list out everything that happened this week, but suffice it to say that there was lots of finding, teaching, and some service as well - all things I've learned to thoroughly enjoy! At this point, I can honestly say that I love being a missionary. Of course, it's hard work, but that is honestly what makes it worth doing. We know in our church that there has to be opposition in all things, and I've realized that means that free time and relaxation are only meaningful if you've been working hard and being productive. 
One thing that was really amazing this week was finally getting to sit down to teach our new friend Tino! Amazingly, Tino was found online through Facebook by my good friend from home, the one and only, Elder Grayson Hardman! (Shout out to him for all of the amazing things he's doing in Reno and for his ability to follow the Spirit and for the way he always lifts others!) But back to Tino, he came to church a few weeks ago and we finally got to meet with him at the illustrious Applegate park here in Merced, and he is so awesome! Tino is in his early 20's and he is looking for direction in his life, and Iam so grateful for his humility and sincerity in wanting to come closer to God and change his life! I know for a fact that learning about the Gospel will do more to help Tino than anything else, and I can't wait to watch the Atonement work in his life! 
To me, the most amazing part of the Atonement is how it can change our very natures and help to make better decisions and to be better people. We should all rely on the Atonement and that grace that comes from it to continuously improve as we strive to repent daily and follow Christ's perfect example, and the simplest way to do that is to pray for that grace each and every day! 
The last thing I want to talk about this week is the super awesome exchange I had this week with Elder Morris! We had a great time together on Thursday driving around Merced while jamming out to some "Songs of Devotion" (which if you're a missionary and you haven't checked those out you definitely should). There were lots of highlights throughout the day, including an awesome conversation with a lady named Carla who is originally from Mexico, but really my favorite part was just getting to know Elder Morris. It turns out that he lives just around the corner from me in Lehi and that we have a ton of the same interests! 
As we were lying in bed at night we had a long discussion about how amazing it is that God's children are all so vastly different but His perfect plan is tailored to each of us individually. We are all so different in so many ways, but God has made it possible for us to explore our interests and find joy in His creations that resonate with us personally. Some people may be athletic, some artistic, others intellectual, or, more likely, a unique combination of lots of things, but there are things that God has created on this earth specifically for us to find joy. The Savior and His Gospel should be the rock and foundation of our lives, but God in His infinite goodness has also given us many unique topics and hobbies to enjoy and explore to add variety to our journey through this mortal experience. I'd say that my final conclusion after our discussion is that we all matter infinitely to God, and that God loves and appreciates all of our talents, interests, and idiosyncrasies. Oh how great is the plan of God, and oh how grateful I am to be here on this earth that He has created for us! 
Love you all! 
Elder Jackson


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