Happy Birthday America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (and Josh!) πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

July 5, 2021

J'espΓ¨re que vous avez eu un bon 4 juillet! I'm grateful I got to spend the 4th of July in the US and with all of the amazing members here in Merced. We got to have a ward breakfast on the 3rd and it was a ton of fun! Elder Priestley and I participated in the long anticipated Hula and honestly I don't think we did half bad! We also go to enjoy some burgers and fireworks on the 4th, it was a ton of fun! 
I love the fun traditions of barbeques and fireworks, but what I really love about the 4th of July is what it stands for. As most of you are probably aware, I love history - especially US history - and I always look forward to the opportunity to celebrate all of the blessings that we have received because of this country and the decision our founding fathers made to declare independence. I believe that part of why I have always been drawn to US history is that many gospel principles are demonstrated throughout the history of this great nation. From the Mayflower landing to September 11th and even right now with Covid, there have been many ups and downs, but I know that our nation has been richly blessed and highly favored of God and that it will continue to be so if we live righteously and obey his commandments. Even if it may feel like the voice of the people is becoming more and more opposed to the Gospel and the principles this country was founded on, it is our duty to stay hopeful and optimistic about the future as we do everything in our power to influence this great nation for good. God bless America! 
Today was an extra fun week because for those of you who don't know, my birthday was on June 29th! I can't believe I'm 20 years old! It was interesting having a birthday in the field, but it was still a lot of fun! We had a great zone council, ate some good food, and talked to my family so what more could I ask for? It feels crazy to think that I have officially put my teenage years behind me, but it’s a change I feel ready for and I’m excited to continue learning and growing on whatever path God leads me to follow! 
One really exciting piece of news is that our friend Thomas set the goal with us to be baptized on August 21st! It was a really amazing experience. As we followed up with his prayers, Thomas told us that he feels like God is telling him that he's on the right path and that he should keep going, so we were able to talk about baptism with him. We went out and picked three possible dates with Thomas and prayed about them together and we all received a witness from the Holy Ghost that August 21st was the right date. It was a powerful testament to me of the reality of the Holy Ghost and that if we ask Him in faith, God really will respond! In Preach My Gospel it tells us that God is anxious to help us in all aspects of our lives, and as I’ve strived to get better at receiving personal revelation I’ve seen that to be true. It may seem obvious, but there is anything that you are struggling with or simple don’t know what to do about, you should pray about it, and then listen! It something so simple that can make prayers much more meaningful and has helped me a lot to receive and recognize revelation, and I know that it will do the same for you! Like anything else spiritual, you can't force revelation, but it also true that God does hear and answer every prayer - and He does so in the and the time that He knows will be best. 
Love you all! 
Elder Jackson


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