Yosemite x2

June 7, 2021

Hé tout le monde! 

Well, I’ve got some exciting news! Tomorrow is the end of the transfer, and it turns out that I am getting transferred from the Yosemite ward to the Yosemite ward! Yup, that is not a typo, it turns out that there are actually two “Yosemite” wards in the mission - I guess you can’t really blame them for both wanting to be named after the biggest landmark in the Central Valley haha In all seriousness, I will be leaving Oakhurst and heading about an hour and half northwest to the city of Merced. I don’t know a ton about Merced, but I do know that it’s still in the mountains and that I’ll be back on a bike! 

Even though I was expecting to get transferred, I’m still sad to have to say goodbye to Oakhurst, Coarsegold, and North Fork. I have loved my time here and I am so grateful for all of the amazing people that I was able to meet, but I know that those relationships will continue throughout my mission, after I go home, and even after this life. One of the most sobering truths of the Gospel is that the only things we take with us into the next life are our knowledge and our relationships, and there is nothing that develops more of those two things than a mission. Missions really are crazy, and I wouldn’t change anything about my mission so far!  

Something that has really stood out to me lately, especially since getting the news that I’m going to be moving again, is the knowledge that God really does have a plan for each of us. What an amazing idea that really is! It’s important to recognize that He never takes away our agency because learning to think and act for ourselves is an essential part of this mortal experience, but it is always reassuring to me to know that there is a loving Heavenly Father who is all-powerful and all-knowing that is subtly guiding our lives - and the way He does it is often through the Holy Ghost. Some of my favorite verses in the Book of Mormon are those that illustrate that even the prophets we look up to and admire often had to act in faith, being “led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which [they] should do.” As uncomfortable as it can be, sometimes we have to take a step in the dark or a leap of faith to keep progressing on the path that God has laid out for us, but I have seen for myself on my mission and continue to learn every day that if you listen for the whisperings of the Holy Ghost and act on them that in the end things will work out for your good. The Gift of the Holy Ghost really is so amazing! Because of it, none of us have to walk alone down the path God has prepared for us, but we have to actively seek to be worthy of and capable of recognizing his companionship. Don’t neglect to ask for the Spirit to be with you each day when you pray and to listen for his still, small voice - amazing things will happen if you take the time to do the small things that bring about great things!

I’ve still got lots of packing to do, so I probably have to stop here, but I am excited to let you all know more about Merced new week!

Love you all,

Elder Jackson


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