Love One Another

 March 7, 2021

Rebonjour tout le monde! 

I hope you're all doing well! I can't believe this week marks 5 months as a missionary! It's honestly kind of hard to believe, and I'm honestly a little scared by how fast time is flying by, but, hey, that's just more motivation to do everything I can to use my time effectively. There are still so many things I want to learn and become! 

There was a lot of awesome stuff this week, but I'd say my favorite part was interviews with our mission President. and something I always look forward to every transfer is interviews. It's always great to talk with President Gillespie and to receive more training on how to become not only a better missionary but a better disciple of Christ. 

I think my favorite training was given by Sister Gillespie about having good relationships with our companions. Thankfully, I've been incredibly blessed so far to have had awesome companions to work with, and my relationships with them have never been a problem, but I know that there will most likely be a time in my mission that I am put with someone that I really don't mesh well with and, regardless, it will still be my responsibility to love, serve, and work alongside them. 

If there's one thing that has helped me to be more humble and charitable towards others, it's finding ways to compliment others. It's something my amazing parents do a lot and it has really helped me to be a more loving person to everyone I interact with, especially those I have a hard time loving. I think that love for others is a lot like a testimony in that it grows the more often you share it. I would definitely invite all of you to look for more opportunities to express gratitude and compliment those around you! I can promise that your relationships will grow stronger and that you will feel happier because I have experienced it myself! 
Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of sad news in our ward this week in our ward. Two members passed away in our ward. One was an older gentleman in the ward who has been struggling with health challenges and the other was a young man who, tragically, took his own life. I've met with both of them in the past so it was a bit of a shock when I heard the news. Needless to say, there is a lot of work and healing to be done. 

Our ward's response to both of these devastating events has been truly incredible, and it has strengthened my testimony that this church is an inspired organization and that it is an essential part of God's plan for his children. Having a group of people who have all made the same promise to bear one another’s burdens, mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort is such a powerful force for good in the world. I've seen it bless me and my family throughout my life, and it's been so humbling recently to see so many people helping my mom after she recently tore her ACL skiing. Thank you for everyone who has helped my family while I am absent, I can't thank you enough! 

Love you all, 
Elder Jackson

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