This Time, This Time For Sure

February 3, 2021

Hello again everyone! 

Not only was this week the end of "semi-isolation," this week was the end of the transfer! I have now officially graduated from my training. It feels good to be a full-fledged missionary - it's about time haha. I'm happy to say that I will be staying here in Visalia for the time being, but the long anticipated departure of Elder Forsberg is finally upon us. I'm really going to miss him, but, at this point, after already saying goodbye once I think we're both ready to accept what's next. My new companion is named Elder Jones, and I'm very excited to meet him tomorrow! He's only been out for six months, so with both of our freebie fires combined we should be able to move mountains haha. 

The last two weeks of quarantine, or "semi-isolation" as President Gillespie calls it, honestly weren't too bad. We saw a lot of tender mercies come as we worked hard to keep the work moving forward. I think it's fair to say that Elder Forsberg and I were both surprised and somewhat confused as to why he was mistakenly turned away at the airport two weeks ago for supposedly having the wrong kind of Covid test, but since then it's become very clear why he was meant to stay for a little longer. God really does have a plan for all of us. 

It's comforting to know that God has a plan for us, but, as Elder Holland emphasized during this last conference, that plan is not always comfortable. Thankfully, God always gives us the tools we need to overcome whatever obstacles block our path - the greatest of which being Christ's Atonement. We recently received a really powerful training from our mission President's wife about making sure that we feel the power of the Atonement every single day. She gave every missionary in our mission a lamented card with a set of questions to ask before praying, and I'll include a picture of it below. I'd invite all of you to review this card each night before you say your nightly prayers this week because, I'll admit, I was surprised by how many things I've forgotten to ask for or think about. I know that it's made my prayers more meaningful, and I can promise that it will improve yours as well! 

Love you all, 
Elder Jackson

Welp, I really don't have any photos so I'll just include some really cute photos of Ida's cats instead. You're welcome! 


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