The Storm before the Biggest Storm

January 11, 2021

Bonjour de nouveau! 

I hope you all had a great week! Things are going really well in Visalia, we've been pretty busy this past week making sure Ida will be ready for her baptism this Saturday. If everything goes according to plan, Elder Forsberg and I will be able to end our time together with a splash! I am a little nervous about whether or not things will work out because, unfortunately, Elder Forsberg and I both have sore throats and stuffy noses. We talked to the mission nurse and she said it was probably fine, but we might get tested just to be safe. We're making sure to stay extra careful right now with masks and everything just to keep people safe.

Either way, I know things will work out the way they're meant to. My mission has reinforced my testimony that God really does have a plan for each of us! I recently re-read my patriarchal blessing as part of an invitation I received in District Council, and it was an awesome experience. I'd invite all of you who have had the opportunity to receive your patriarchal blessing to re-read yours and see for yourself a glimpse of God's plan for you. I don't know all of the twists in turns my life will take, but I know that if we trust God things will work out - because I know that God loves all of his children! 

Thinking of fun things that happened this week, I definitely want to mention the two exchanges I went on. Exchanges are fun! It's super cool getting to work alongside different missionaries and see their perspectives on missionary work and life in general. That's not to say that I don't love Elder Forsberg, it's just nice to change things up every once in a while. The thing that made this week's exchanges unique was that during both of them I had the opportunity to use my Spanish a little bit! I can't really speak Spanish that well anymore because, every time I do, some French will slip out on accident, but I understand what's being said well enough to chip into the conversation. There was even one lady who we talked to who spoke to us pretty much entirely in Spanish while I just contributed in English. It was weird but really cool! 

There is a little bit of bad news this week: starting on January 19th everyone in our mission will go into a two week quarantine. We're this to make sure there aren't any Covid disruptions during transfers which makes sense, but it's still kind of a bummer. I figure it's about time I got put in lock down though, I can't tell my kids what it was like serving during Covid if I never get to experience the joy of staying inside for two weeks straight! 

Sorry for the lack of photos, it was a busy week! I'll do better next week. Hopefully I'll have some photos of Ida's baptism! 

Love you all, 

Elder Jackson 


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