Welcome to the (Fres)No

 November 16, 2020

Long time no see!

It feels a little surreal to be writing my first letter from the field, but, hey, I made it! The trip out was super fun because I got to be with my good friend Elder Allred, and I always love flying. There's just something mesmerizing about soaring above the clouds and looking down at the earth. My first night in California was also pretty eventful: we slept at the assistants' house, and one of them served in Argentina so, of course, he made is some mate (which is basically an herbal drink that tastes like dirt - but, hey, it was honestly better than I thought it would be)!

I am currently writing from Visalia, which is a city about 45 minutes south of Fresno. 

I've only been in the field for six days, but I've already met so many amazing people! I'll start with my awesome companion: Elder Forsberg. He is an absolute stud. First of all, he's totally ripped, and, more importantly, we get along really well. He's got a great sense of humor and he's always very patient with my nearly endless stream of questions. I'm super lucky to be with him! I'm also super lucky to be living with two other amazing missionaries: Elder Alfrey and Elder Hopkins. Alfrey is also an absolute unit (he's going to play safety at BYU), and Elder Hopkins is a great cook. They're all super funny and very supportive! The other amazing people I've met are the members. They are all so generous and kind, and they seem super involved in missionary work.

Things have been a little bit slow in terms of teaching since my companion and I are both new to the area and we can't knock doors because of covid, but I have faith things will pick up soon. I just have to keep putting in the effort! 

My first p day was an absolute party! We got pretty much everyone in the zone together for ultimate frisbee and soccer. I gotta say, I think my rec soccer skills really shone through.

My spiritual thought for this week is a little humorous, but also very meaningful for me. As some of you may know, I hate bikes. I absolutely despise them. They are death traps created to mame and kill - or at least that's what I thought until this week. Funny story: I learned how to ride a bike when I was 15 years old. I finished learning how to ride a bike and then I drove home since I already had my permit. So, naturally, I got put in a biking area - it's an absolute miracle that I'm still alive. It did help that my companion got a flat tire so we haven't been able to ride that much this week, but that's besides the point. I feel a lot more confident in my ability to ride a bike now. I'm sure I'll have some nasty crashes every now and then, but I'm pretty sure I won't get hit by a car now. Moral of the story: God knows us and our concerns. He knows our weaknesses, and he gives them to us so we will be humble (see Ether 12:27). God knows that I'm not a huge fan of bikes, but he's helping me turn that weakness into a strength. I'd invite all of you to think of a weakness you have, and pray for help as you try to turn said weakness into a strength.

That's all for this week!

Love you all,

Elder Jackson


Me and Pops

In the Zone

The Victorious Visalia Vzone

Cruising at 10,000 feet


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