They've Arrived!

November 13, 2021

Dear Parents of Elder Jackson ,

Just letting you know that your missionary has safely arrived in the California Fresno Mission.  We love your missionary already and are grateful for their call to serve with us in Fresno.

This is a wonderful time to have a missionary serving, where you are able to visit with them each week with a voice or video call.  These weekly conversations allow you to provide love, support, and encouragement to your missionary.  We request that you help ensure these calls are primarily focused on the work your missionary is doing and how they are growing in the gospel. Please avoid discussions that could detract from their work in the mission. Despite COVID there are many miracles happening here, and your weekly interactions will provide opportunities to celebrate the miracles together, as you enjoy watching your missionary’s weekly growth in their faith and testimony.

We are honored to serve with your missionary in the Lord’s vineyard during this long promised last dispensation of the gospel.  We anticipate that it will be a rewarding, and growing experience that will build within them a desire to remain a life-long disciple of Christ.  Thank you for raising and preparing your missionary to serve with us in this sacred calling of inviting all to come unto Christ. 

With Love,
President and Sister Gillespie



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