See you in 2!!

November 11, 2020

Well, today is the day!

It's finally time for me to enter the field. I feel pretty good right now, which is surprising if I'm being honest. Of course I'm really gonna miss my family, my friends, my awesome district, my amazing teachers, and my incredible companion - but I've been preparing for this for six weeks now, so I feel pretty content. Speaking of my district and teachers, I got to meet up with a lot of them on Saturday! It was super fun (and somewhat surreal); we got our dope custom shirts, ate some pizza, played hackey sack and volleyball, and had an unforgettable testimony meeting - Elder Fairchild and Soeur Dunford even facetimed in for it! It reminded me just how lucky we've been to have such inspiring teachers. After learning from them and hearing their testimonies, it's easy to tell that they were powerful missionaries. They've made me feel way more motivated and excited to go and out and serve, and I consider them not only my mentors but my friends. I know I've said this a lot (I honestly can't say it enough), but I love everyone in my district so much! They made the online MTC into one of the greatest experiences of my life, and I'm forever grateful for them. I love my companion Elder Fairchild a ton, and, while it's super sad to say goodbye, I can't wait to, hopefully, meet him in person in Montreal! 

I've talked a lot about how I've felt like the young master from the New Testament as I've become a missionary, and that is especially true right now. Over the past six weeks my life has become more and more focused on Christ, and I've felt the blessings that come from doing so. Now, I'm about to take the final step in leaving behind all my worldly pursuits in order to serve the Lord. You'd have to be crazy to not feel at least a little bit scared of leaving behind pretty much your entire life, but I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now. If I have faith and work hard, the Lord will take care of the rest. I'd invite everyone reading this to prayerfully consider ways that you can make your life more centered on Christ, whether that is not doing something or starting to do something, and to act on the promptings that you recieve. 
I know that you have more joy in your life as you do so - and that's because I've experienced it first hand.

Love you all,
Elder Jackson

À tantôt!

District 07-F in the Flesh
A Classic
The Squad


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